
We'll take care of everything



Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve gathered a few of our FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) that we get asked on a regular basis here.

If you’d like to see the FAQ’s for our vouchers, please click here.

We’ve gathered a few of our FAQ’s (frequently asked questions) that we get asked on a regular basis here.

If you’d like to see the FAQ’s for our vouchers, please click here.

Check-in time is 11am for touring and camping and 4pm for all other accommodation, however, you are more than welcome to arrive beforehand and make use of the facilities on site.

Please note for static caravans and lodges, departure time is 10am.

Late checkout may result in a £50 fine.

Touring customers, check out is 11am.

If you arrive later than our reception opening times, please contract our security team on 07340 380620. Please be aware the last entry to the park is dusk or 9pm whichever is sooner.

We do all we can to make sure you enjoy your holiday but sometimes things may go wrong.

If this happens please tell reception straight away and we will try and put things right. If we can’t, then you can leave on the first day of your holiday and receive a full refund of the cost of your holiday.

If you decide to stay or don’t give us the chance to put things right first, you’ll not be entitled to a refund.

If anything is not sorted out during your stay please contact our Customer Relations team by email info@ladysmile.co.uk or write to the Operations Manager, Lady’s Mile Holiday Park, Week Lane, Dawlish, EX7 0LX, no later than 21 days after the end of your holiday.

Letter and emails sent after this time may not be responded to.

You should comply with 5 mph speed limits and parking and other traffic regulations on park.

Vehicles are brought into the holiday park at your risk and we are not responsible for loss or damage to these except where it is caused by our negligence or default or that of anyone we are responsible for.

Quad bikes, hover boards or similar vehicles and commercial vehicles aren’t allowed on park.

Non-motorized vehicles such as scooters, skateboards, etc. are not allowed in and around the public areas.

Please note we are only able to accept dogs in our dog friendly holiday homes or pitches, maximum of two dogs per unit.

When booking you will be asked to confirm the breed of your four-legged friend. Unfortunately, we do not accept any dogs named under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 as amended from time to time, even where these types of dog are muzzled as required by government legislation.

Pets must not be left unattended in our accommodation, your own accommodation or elsewhere, at any time on park. Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times other than in the dog exercising area.

You must use the bins provided to clear up after your dog.

Dogs are permitted in the clubhouse within the allocated areas, but only service dogs are allowed in the swimming pool areas.

The lead name of the party is responsible for the dog whilst on park. Any dogs causing a nuisance maybe asked to leave the park and/or your right to occupy your pitch or holiday home maybe rescinded. Refunds in these circumstances will not be given.

When leaving the park please help keep our team safe:

  • Please put all dirty linen and towels in the plastic bags provided.
  • Please leave windows open if safe to do so (weather permitting).
  • Please place your key in the box outside reception.

Wristbands must be worn at all times to access our facilities, should you lose your band please contact reception for a replacement.

Please note there may be a charge for this.

We have free public WiFi available in Oceans Bar and Restaurant. We have WiFi available around the park. Further information regarding WiFi will be provided on check-in.

Its provision is subject to availability and network conditions. It may not be available 24 hours and is provided for leisure and not for business.

Bookings are not accepted if they are wholly reliant on the uninterrupted provision of Wi-Fi.

Dawlish Community Hospital Minor Injuries Unit
TEL: 01626 868500

Barton Surgery
TEL: 01626 888877
Appointment necessary – 8.30-6.00pm Mon-Fri

Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital
TEL: 01392 411611
Nearest Accident & Emergency (approx 9 miles)

Torbay Hospital TEL: 01803 614567
(approx 11 miles)

NHS Direct
TEL: 111

  • Crealy Adventure Park is about a 25-min drive towards Exeter.
  • Paignton Zoo is 40 min drive.
  • Kents Cavern is about 20 mins away.
  • Haldon Forest is about 20 minutes away – Bike trails, Segway, walks and GoApe.
  • Newton Abbot and Exeter cinemas are 25 mins away.
  • Exeter and Torquay Ten-pin bowling is about 20 mins away.
  • Newton Abbot and Exeter Trampoline Parks are about 20 mins away.
  • Powderham Castle is about 15 minutes away.

Have a look at our local attractions here.

We have two beaches; Dawlish and Dawlish Warren, both are within walking distance however, Dawlish Warren is the beach closest to the park via a short cut through our site. Please note this may not be suitable for guests with mobility issues and small children due to the hill when returning to the park.

We have our very own convenience store located on site as well as a Sainsbury’s 5 to 10 minutes walk up the road.

We have a cashpoint machine at the park but otherwise, the nearest is at Sainsbury’s.

There is a 3Kw car charge point at Sainsbury’s (Dawlish) and for a faster 50Kw charge Morrisons (Teignmouth) is just down the road.

Teignview Veterinary Centre
Hospital Hill, Dawlish
TEL: 01626 862020

Boots Chemist
21-22 The Strand, Dawlish
TEL: 01626 889139

Lloyds Pharmacy
Barton Surgery, Dawlish
TEL: 01626 863228

Parents are expected to supervise their children at all times. A lost child wristband is available at reception so if your child does walk off, we can contact the parent quickly and easily.

We ask that all adults be aware of the presence of children around the park – please take special care when driving and keep to the 5mph rule.

We want all our guests to enjoy their stay.

We ask that certain rules are adhered to in order to support this enjoyment. We ask that all noise is kept to a minimum after 11pm and hot tubs are not used after this time.

Any unruly behaviour or excessive noise may result in the occupants being removed from park.

The security number is printed on your wristbands.

Our park is a family holiday park, so please ensure your behaviour is appropriate and is not noisy, offensive or likely to cause any harm or upset to other guests, staff or property at the holiday park.

If we feel your behaviour is illegal, offensive, disruptive or inappropriate we will ask you to leave the holiday park.

At the end of your holiday please leave everything in a clean and tidy condition.

You are responsible for any damage to your holiday home during your stay. We reserve the right to enter your accommodation for maintenance purposes, under special circumstances or in emergencies.

Admission of Children Under 8 Years Old into the Swimming Pool. Children under 8 years of age must not be admitted to the swimming pool unless accompanied in the water by a responsible person of 16 years or over.

A maximum of two children per responsible person is allowed.

At busy times access to our facilities may be restricted. We reserve the right to close or withdraw certain facilities or entertainment (e.g. for health and safety reasons, illness, maintenance, adverse weather conditions, seasonality or reasons beyond our control) without prior notice and we are not liable to you if we have to do so.

These vary throughout the year. Please click here to see our opening times.

All children must be properly supervised by parents or guardians throughout the holiday.

We are happy to provide children’s clubs, special programmes of events and other facilities at some of our park but these are not childcare facilities and children remain the responsibility of their parents or guardians at all times.

Please make sure you always know where your children are.

General swims and Dip & Dine are available to locals/lon-residents.

Booking is essential for non-residents, which can be done through our Lady’s Mile app or here, prior to your arrival.

When your timeslot comes up, head straight down to our pool and our friendly lifeguards will check you in.

Bookings are restricted during peak times, so be sure to book to avoid disappointment.

Weekdays: Under 4’s swim free
Weekends: Under 2’s swim free

Price for general swim:

  • Adults – £5
  • Children – £4

The Indoor Pool is open year round, 10am – 6pm everyday.

The Outdoor pool is open from the end of May until the beginning of September.

Individual timeslots are available to book through our activities booking link here


Our indoor pool has unisex changing rooms with plenty of cubicles, toilets and baby changers. 

There are also lockers available (refundable £1 coin) and showers are available poolside.


There is a shower block next to our outdoor pool with private showers, toilets & sinks.

No lockers are available at our outdoor pool, so make sure you leave your valuables in your accommodation, or have someone there to watch anything you bring. We do have plenty of sun loungers available!

Our swimming pools are fully accessible, including a pool hoist, larger changing rooms and step free access from the changing rooms to the pool. Our pool hoist is available for both the indoor and outdoor pool, and can be accessed whenever the pools are open, with no need for prior notice.

Children under 8 years old and those who are not competent swimmers must be accompanied by an adult in the swimming pool areas at all times. Please note that a policy of two children to one adult in the swimming pools applies.

Yes, these are checked daily from 8am. Please note that on the day of departure the tub will be emptied from this time
to prepare for the next guest. Hot tubs are not to be used after 11pm.

Please don’t press any buttons on the control panel other than to turn on the lights and the jets.
It is possible to put your hot tub in to sleep mode (eco mode) this will result in a loss in temperature.

Please don’t sit, stand or lie on the tub lid – they are not designed to support a persons weight.

Please don’t rest any glasses on or near the tub – broken glass is almost invisible under water.

Any broken glass found in the vicinity of the tub will result in the tub being drained to check for glass.

Use plastic glasses instead.

Don’t immerse your head or swallow the water – this can increase the risk of infection.

We want you to have a relaxing stay with us, but please don’t place candles on the tub – candle wax can damage the filter system.

Please don’t exceed the maximum number of people that the tub is designed for.

Maximum bather capacity is 4-6 people.

Please don’t add anything to the tub – bubble bath, shampoo, gels, soaps, oils, salts etc, can seriously affect the water quality and filter system.

Please supervise children in the area of the tub at ALL times.

Don’t allow children under the age of 8 years old or those unable to keep their head above the water level when sitting in the tub to use the tub.

(NOTE: minimum recommended age in HSE guidance is 4 years of age; we recommend 8 years of age).

Please respect your neighbours – no loud music, shouting or screaming outside. Due to the noise of the tub you won’t realise how loud you are! Minimal noise after 10pm and no use of hot tub after 11pm.

Contact the park staff if you think the hot tub has been contaminated or if you have any concerns or problems with your tub.

If you feel unwell or experience breathing difficulties, discontinue use of the hot tub and see medical advice.

Consult your GP before using the hot tub if you are pregnant, suffering from any form of heart disease, circulation problems or any serious illness.

Limit your time in the hot tub to a maximum of 20 minute use at a time – extended use can cause dizziness and fainting.

Yes, please take care when entering or exiting the tub – decking can become slippery when wet.

Shower before and after using your tub – this will remove oils, creams, lotions, makeup, tans, etc, which will seriously affect the water quality if not removed.

Supervise children in the area of the tub at ALL times.

Use the toilet before entering your tub – not leaving the tub to use the toilet will seriously affect water quality.

Don’t use the tub after a heavy meal or while under the influence of alcohol.

Don’t use the tub while using or after using any drug that may cause drowsiness, sleepiness or raise/lower your blood pressure.

Duvets, pillows and linen are provided in all of our accommodations.

Towels are only provided in Lodges, Mini Lodges, Safari Tents and The Conker.

You may wish to bring extra towel to use in the hot tub.  

Each pitch includes 8kW of electricity per day as part of our fair use policy. This allowance is designed to cover standard usage for lighting, cooking, and moderate appliance use.

If you exceed the daily 8kW allowance, additional electricity will be charged at the current rate and deducted automatically from your registered payment method.

To activate your electric supply, simply scan the QR code on your pitch and sign up on arrival. A holding charge will be placed on your payment method, and any extra electricity used beyond the allowance will be billed accordingly.

Rates are subject to change based on commercial electricity costs, which may be higher than standard domestic rates.

Please follow these instructions to access Wi-Fi on your device…

Select settings on your device and connect to wifi Lady’s Mile online payment

Then either log in if you have used the wifi before or to make an account select register

Then once you have logged in, select the usage and device language

Once this has been selected it will then prompt you to the following page

If you do not have a PayPal account, select check out as guest and please fill in all your details. This will then take you to the payment page. Once you have entered your payment details you will then need to log back into the wifi to be able to access the internet.

Please note this Wi-Fi is designed for light use, eg. checking emails etc.
It is not designed for streaming. The speed is not the same as your home wifi. If you do have any problems in accessing the wifi please see reception or email reception ladysmile@outlook.com

When reporting to reception please have the email address used and your device name and if possible the location the wifi was set up in. All refunds will be issued back through PayPal, however if the service has been used no refund will be given.

If you have any issues with the Wi-Fi please raise a dispute with PayPal.

The BBQ needs to have a stand and must be 50cm off the ground. BBQ’s cannot be used at all on decking areas. We also do not allow fire pits or open fires fuelled by wood for safety reasons.
We also do not allow fire pits or open fires fuelled by wood for safety reasons.

Lodges may have 2 car parking spaces, Caravans, Touring & Camping have 1 car parking space. If you require more spaces, you may park in the car park, for an additional charge of £5 per night.

Please keep your distance

Pitches are clearly marked as large squares, with numbers. Your caravan must be pitched with the tow bar pointing towards the road as depicted in the diagram below.

How to pitch your caravan or tent

Please ensure you allow room to park your car next to your caravan/tent, which must be placed on the pitch. You must not park outside the marked area, nor on the roadway.

Please note:

You may only occupy a hard standing pitch if you have paid for the upgrade. We reserve the right to ask you to move pitch if required.

If applicable, electric cards are available in reception.

If you are on a hardstanding pitch you will require a plastic card, if you are on a grass pitch you will require a paper card.

After reception shuts, these cards are available at the bar.

Our pitches are unallocated which allows you to choose the pitch most suitable for you on arrival. These cannot be reserved if you are traveling in large groups. The pitches are on a first come first served basis.

Not all camping and caravan fields are open year-round. Certain fields open seasonally and may close during quieter months. We recommend checking availability or contacting us directly for more information about which fields are open during your stay.

Our pitching season runs year round.

Caravans of any ages are welcome, as long as they are in a good clean condition.

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Based on 2150 reviews
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Belle Kennard
22:14 14 Aug 22
Me and family come here basically every year and it never gets old. The lodges are amazing as well as the caravans, and when camping there is lots of entertainment! A lot of days there is live music, and they offer lots of games. There are two pools (indoor and outdoor) which both include water slides. There is also an arcade, restaurants and shops on site. It’s not a far walk from the beach and has beautiful scenery. Staff are great too. 10/10 would definitely recommend!
Andy Young
19:26 31 Jul 22
Loved staying here. Its worth drive around the different pitching areas, we came with a tent, to find a quiet spot. Loved the pools, arcades and bakery in the on site shop. It also has great facilities which are cleaned and well looked after. Def worth the 6 hour drive and will be coming again!
L Bull
19:27 27 Jul 22
We had a amazing time, the parks are amazing, the pools are good and included, the pump/skate park is good. Lots to do non stop the shop is also well stocked. We loved the live music and fair up the marquee bar it was perfect way to spend a evening.
Michelle Roebuck
06:24 09 Jul 22
Just had 2 weeks here in a silver birch lodge and it's been amazing. The view is gorgeous from the decking area. The lodge it self is spotlessly clean and spacious The hot tub is a great bonus. Very quiet around the lodge area. The site it self is the best I've ever stayed on, everywhere is immaculately spotlessly clean. The outside pool is great fun. The water was warm but we did have alot of sunshine 🌞.We will be booking for next year definitely
See All Reviews

Dawlish Warren Life Saving Club

Dawlish Warren Life Saving club put a plea on Facebook on the 5<sup>th</sup> of April this year for funds to help the club after seeing their fundraising efforts suffer due to covid over the past two years, Dawlish Life Saving Club posted that they faced an uncertain future, Lady’s Mile Holiday Park and Oakcliff Holiday park owner Jason Jeffery contacted the club’s secretary and offered to help and secure the club’s future with a rolling 2-year funding agreement.

Dawlish Warren lifesaving club have been training beach lifeguards, first aiders, and children from age 7 at the Warren for over 55 years. During the summer season and busy bank holidays they provide a voluntary lifeguarding service both independently and alongside the RNLI. As well as suppling lifeguard cover for numerous open water swimming events, Triathlons and even music festivals all over the country.

Jason Jeffery owner of both Lady’s Mile Holiday Park and Oakcliff Holiday park said “we appreciate all the hard work the committee and the members do to keep the beach safe for our guests and local residents over the summer. We are proud to sponsor the club who are keeping our community safe.

Club Chairman Gareth Jones said “Our club is thrilled with our new sponsors, their community values reflect our own and have enabled us to invest in vital lifesaving equipment to help train new lifeguards and save lives on our beautiful beach and the local area.”

Shop Opening Times

Map of Haldon View

Touring and Camping – Map of Haldon View

Map of Meadow Super Pitch

Touring and Camping – Map of Meadow Super Pitch

Map of Electric Grass Camping Pitches

Touring and Camping - Map of Grass Pitches