Your Privacy is Important To Us
We have updated our privacy policy and we want you to understand and feel confident about how we collect, store and handle your personal data.
Why do we collect your data?
We want to provide you with the best experience. The data we collect allows us to keep you updated on all of our accommodation and promotions we have on offer at Lady’s Mile.
How do we collect your data?
We collect your data in a number of ways, from the information you provide when booking a holiday with us or competition entries when you have asked us to keep you informed. Our priority is to protect and treat your data with the utmost care.
When do we share your data?
We won’t sell your data with a third party.
How we use your Data
If you are a client, then we will use your personal data in order to fulfil our part of the contract in providing you a pleasant and safe experience while you are with us.
Additionally, we normally keep in touch with our clients, including our marketing newsletter after your stay. This allows us to send special offers and news of developments and we normally continue to send this for 2 holiday seasons after your last stay. If you do not wish to receive them, please tell us. Likewise, if you want to continue to receive our marketing & news, even if you haven’t been a customer within the last 2 years, please tell us and we will include you.
We are aware of our responsibilities under GDPR and we are registered with the ICO (ICO Reg No CSN923629S). If you wish to complain to them you can do so at – but please feel free to contact us if you prefer as we are keen to work with you and your data in a way that you like.